Hu Xia 胡夏 -《Wu Chen 误尘》English/ Chinese/ Pinyin Lyrics


Drama Name : Kill My Sins 掌心
Song Name     : Wu Chen 误尘
Singer Name  : Hu Xia 胡夏

Lyrics 歌词 

往事成灰 碾落成泥
wǎng shì chéng huī niǎn luò chéng ní
The past turns to ash and crumbles into dust

如烟旧梦 不可及
rú yān jiù mèng bù kě jí
Old dreams fade like smoke, out of reach

渐远的呼吸 堆叠成疏离
jiàn yuǎn de hū xī duī dié chéng shū lí
The distant breath piles up into separation

思念成篇 勉为题序
sī niàn chéng piān miǎn wéi tí xù
Longing turns into pages, barely forming an opening line

纷愁乱绪 不成句
fēn chóu luàn xù bù chéng jù
Countless worries scatter in chaos, unable to form sentences

回眸间 已无前尘 可忆
huí móu jiān yǐ wú qián chén kě yì
Looking back, there is no past to remember

遗憾 恍惚中 理不清
yí hàn huǎng hū zhōng lǐ bù qīng
Regret lingers in a blur, impossible to untangle

书不明 言不尽
shū bù míng yán bù jìn
Cannot be written clearly, cannot be fully spoken

埋入 岁月里 不敢轻易 提及
mái rù suì yuè lǐ bù gǎn qīng yì tí jí
Buried in the passing years, afraid to mention it lightly

一杯 冷月浊辉 一纸 斑驳清泪
yī bēi lěng yuè zhuó huī yī zhǐ bān bó qīng lèi
A cup of cold moonlight with a murky glow, A piece of paper stained with faded tears

憧憬 仓促间 落笔成 事与愿违
chōng jǐng cāng cù jiān luò bǐ chéng shì yǔ yuàn wéi
Hopes and dreams hurriedly written down, Only to end up as wishes unfulfilled

孤雁 啼哀声回 夙夜 辗转不成寐
gū yàn tí āi shēng huí sù yè zhǎn zhuǎn bù chéng mèi
A lone wild goose cries with sorrow, Through countless nights, unable to sleep

只能 折一丝 回忆的 残念告慰余岁
zhǐ néng zhé yī sī huí yì de cán niàn gào wèi yú suì
All I can do is fold a thread of memory, And use it to comfort the years ahead

思念成篇 勉为题序
sī niàn chéng piān miǎn wéi tí xù
Longing turns into pages, barely forming an opening line

纷愁乱绪 不成句
fēn chóu luàn xù bù chéng jù
Countless worries scatter in chaos, unable to form sentences

回眸间 已无前尘 可忆
huí móu jiān yǐ wú qián chén kě yì
Looking back, there is no past to remember

遗憾 恍惚中 理不清
yí hàn huǎng hū zhōng lǐ bù qīng
Regret lingers in a blur, impossible to untangle

书不明 言不尽
shū bù míng yán bù jìn
Cannot be written clearly, cannot be fully spoken

埋入 岁月里 不敢轻易 提及
mái rù suì yuè lǐ bù gǎn qīng yì tí jí
Buried in the passing years, afraid to mention it lightly

一杯 冷月浊辉 一纸 斑驳清泪
yī bēi lěng yuè zhuó huī yī zhǐ bān bó qīng lèi
A cup of cold moonlight with a murky glow, A piece of paper stained with faded tears

憧憬 仓促间 落笔成 事与愿违
chōng jǐng cāng cù jiān luò bǐ chéng shì yǔ yuàn wéi
Hopes and dreams hurriedly written down, Only to end up as wishes unfulfilled

孤雁 啼哀声回 夙夜 辗转不成寐
gū yàn tí āi shēng huí sù yè zhǎn zhuǎn bù chéng mèi
A lone wild goose cries with sorrow, Through countless nights, unable to sleep

只能 折一丝 回忆的 残念告慰余岁
zhǐ néng zhé yī sī huí yì de cán niàn gào wèi yú suì
All I can do is fold a thread of memory, And use it to comfort the years ahead

一杯 冷月浊辉 一纸 斑驳清泪
yī bēi lěng yuè zhuó huī yī zhǐ bān bó qīng lèi
A cup of cold moonlight with a murky glow, A piece of paper stained with faded tears

憧憬 仓促间 落笔成 事与愿违
chōng jǐng cāng cù jiān luò bǐ chéng shì yǔ yuàn wéi
Hopes and dreams hurriedly written down, Only to end up as wishes unfulfilled

孤雁 啼哀声回 夙夜 辗转不成寐
gū yàn tí āi shēng huí sù yè zhǎn zhuǎn bù chéng mèi
A lone wild goose cries with sorrow, Through countless nights, unable to sleep

只能 折一丝 回忆的 残念告慰余岁
zhǐ néng zhé yī sī huí yì de cán niàn gào wèi yú suì
All I can do is fold a thread of memory, And use it to comfort the years ahead

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