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Drama Name : Cao Xuanxuan's Love Journey 了不起的曹萱萱
Song Name : Ming Yue Bu Fu 明月不复
Singer Name : Qin Zimo 秦子墨
Lyrics 歌词
遥望故里长街 灯火阑珊
yáo wàng gù lǐ cháng jiē dēng huǒ lán shān
Looking far at the long streets of my hometown, lights are dim
当初提笔写下 相逢未晚
dāng chū tí bǐ xiě xià xiāng féng wèi wǎn
Back then, I picked up a pen and wrote, the meeting was not late
此刻重读只觉 作浮生笑谈
cǐ kè zhòng dú zhǐ jué zuò fú shēng xiào tán
Now rereading it, it only feels like a fleeting joke of life
锦瑟华年 欲求长安
jǐn sè huá nián yù qiú cháng ān
Splendid youthful years, longing for Chang'an
fó qián xǔ nuò zhí shǒu kuáng lán
Before the Buddha, I vowed to hold hands against the tides
向神明祈祷 不予我孤帆
xiàng shén míng qí dǎo bù yǔ wǒ gū fān
Praying to the gods not to give me a lonely sail
台上娓娓唱着 折柳阳关
tái shàng wěi wěi chàng zhe zhé liǔ yáng guān
On the stage, gently singing the farewell at Yangguan Pass
悲歌幕后无人 知我冷暖
bēi gē mù hòu wú rén zhī wǒ lěng nuǎn
Behind the sad song, no one knows my cold and warmth
纵有市井烟火 只能独自看
zòng yǒu shì jǐng yān huǒ zhǐ néng dú zì kàn
Even with the bustling fireworks of the market, I can only watch alone
江海余生 他乡辗转
jiāng hǎi yú shēng tā xiāng zhǎn zhuǎn
Through rivers and seas, wandering in foreign lands
有过团圆 有过离散
yǒu guò tuán yuán yǒu guò lí sàn
There was reunion, there was separation
景色千万种 不及你一半
jǐng sè qiān wàn zhǒng bù jí nǐ yī bàn
Countless scenes are not as good as even half of you
问天地 何处共明月
wèn tiān dì hé chù gòng míng yuè
I ask heaven and earth, where can we share the same moon
huí shǒu wéi yǒu fēng liǎo jiě
Looking back, only the wind understands
原来情至深处 是非都忘却
yuán lái qíng zhì shēn chù shì fēi dōu wàng què
It turns out that when emotions run deep, right and wrong are forgotten
问诸君 青丝怎成雪
wèn zhū jūn qīng sī zěn chéng xuě
I ask everyone, how does black hair turn to snow
wǒ zì dá yuē jiǔ fēn bié
I answer myself, it is from long separation
转瞬间 再不复青春容颜
zhuǎn shùn jiān zài bù fù qīng chūn róng yán
In an instant, youth and beauty are gone forever
台上娓娓唱着 折柳阳关
tái shàng wěi wěi chàng zhe zhé liǔ yáng guān
On the stage, gently singing the farewell at Yangguan Pass
悲歌幕后无人 知我冷暖
bēi gē mù hòu wú rén zhī wǒ lěng nuǎn
Behind the sad song, no one knows my cold and warmth
纵有市井烟火 只能独自看
zòng yǒu shì jǐng yān huǒ zhǐ néng dú zì kàn
Even with the bustling fireworks of the market, I can only watch alone
江海余生 他乡辗转
jiāng hǎi yú shēng tā xiāng zhǎn zhuǎn
Through rivers and seas, wandering in foreign lands
有过团圆 有过离散
yǒu guò tuán yuán yǒu guò lí sàn
There was reunion, there was separation
景色千万种 不及你一半
jǐng sè qiān wàn zhǒng bù jí nǐ yī bàn
Countless scenes are not as good as even half of you
问天地 何处共明月
wèn tiān dì hé chù gòng míng yuè
I ask heaven and earth, where can we share the same moon
huí shǒu wéi yǒu fēng liǎo jiě
Looking back, only the wind understands
原来情至深处 是非都忘却
yuán lái qíng zhì shēn chù shì fēi dōu wàng què
It turns out that when emotions run deep, right and wrong are forgotten
问诸君 青丝怎成雪
wèn zhū jūn qīng sī zěn chéng xuě
I ask everyone, how does black hair turn to snow
wǒ zì dá yuē jiǔ fēn bié
I answer myself, it is from long separation
转瞬间 再不复青春容颜
zhuǎn shùn jiān zài bù fù qīng chūn róng yán
In an instant, youth and beauty are gone forever
问天地 何处共明月
wèn tiān dì hé chù gòng míng yuè
I ask heaven and earth, where can we share the same moon
huí shǒu wéi yǒu fēng liǎo jiě
Looking back, only the wind understands
原来情至深处 是非都忘却
yuán lái qíng zhì shēn chù shì fēi dōu wàng què
It turns out that when emotions run deep, right and wrong are forgotten
问诸君 青丝怎成雪
wèn zhū jūn qīng sī zěn chéng xuě
I ask everyone, how does black hair turn to snow
wǒ zì dá yuē jiǔ fēn bié
I answer myself, it is from long separation
转瞬间 再不复青春容颜
zhuǎn shùn jiān zài bù fù qīng chūn róng yán
In an instant, youth and beauty are gone forever
Youtube video : https://youtu.be/C4wFVzQHZr4
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