Ray Zhao 赵磊 & Fine Band Fine乐团 -《Chu Le Ni Zhi Wai Wo Mei Xi Huan Guo Bie Ren 除了你之外我没喜欢过别人》English/ Chinese/ Pinyin Lyrics


Drama Name : The First Frost 难哄
Song Name     : Chu Le Ni Zhi Wai Wo Mei Xi Huan Guo Bie Ren 除了你之外我没喜欢过别人
Singer Name  : Ray Zhao 赵磊 & Fine Band Fine乐团

Lyrics 歌词 

我没忍住承诺 心脏又越界了
wǒ méi rěn zhù chéng nuò xīn zàng yòu yuè jiè le
I could not hold back my promise, my heart crossed the line again

借着倒数声靠近 直到烟火降落
jiè zhe dào shǔ shēng kào jìn zhí dào yān huǒ jiàng luò
Moving closer with the countdown sound until the fireworks fall

该不该按捺 我没有把握
gāi bú gāi àn nài wǒ méi yǒu bǎ wò
Should I hold back, I am not sure

zhǐ néng xiān jǐn shèn de bù táng tū de shì tàn yī xià
I can only carefully and cautiously test it out first

nǐ de jǔ dòng xiàng shì wú shù màn dòng zuò
Your actions feel like countless slow motions

tōu tōu zhēn zhuó què yòu mò míng de shī cuò
Carefully thinking yet somehow losing control

wǒ méi bàn fǎ hū lüè xīn dòng de xiàn suǒ
I cannot ignore the clues of my heartbeat

chú nǐ zhī wài wǒ méi duì shuí dòng xīn guò
Other than you, I have never fallen for anyone

你像太阳照耀着 吸引我走出漩涡
nǐ xiàng tài yáng zhào yào zhe xī yǐn wǒ zǒu chū xuán wō
You shine like the sun, Pulling me out of the whirlpool

只此一份的炙热 能否属于我
zhǐ cǐ yī fèn de zhì rè néng fǒu shǔ yú wǒ
This one and only warmth, Can it belong to me

就算大雨正滂沱 就算世界暗了
jiù suàn dà yǔ zhèng pāng tuó jiù suàn shì jiè àn le
Even if the heavy rain pours, Even if the world turns dark

我会陪在你身旁 用爱填满心河
wǒ huì péi zài nǐ shēn páng yòng ài tián mǎn xīn hé
I will stay by your side, Filling your heart with love

我该怎么道歉 当时的疏远
wǒ gāi zěn me dào qiàn dāng shí de shū yuǎn
How should I apologize for keeping my distance back then

让你误以为喜欢 是单方面错觉
ràng nǐ wù yǐ wéi xǐ huān shì dān fāng miàn cuò jué
Making you think that love was just a one-sided illusion

耀眼的你啊 一点都不差
yào yǎn de nǐ a yī diǎn dōu bù chà
You, so dazzling, have never lacked anything

měi cì wǒ zhǐ néng gòu chèn mèng yóu lái jù wéi jǐ yǒu
Every time I could only claim you as mine in my dreams

nǐ hái jì dé zhī qián wǒ shuō de huà ma
Do you still remember the words I said before

wǒ huì zhuā zhù yīn yǐng suǒ yǐ bié zài hài pà
I will hold onto the shadows, so do not be afraid anymore

zhè me duō nián wǒ zhǐ xǐ huān nǐ méi biàn
After so many years, my feelings for you have not changed

nǐ yī bù wǒ jiù gǎn zhāo gào quán shì jiè
If you take one step, I will tell the whole world

nǐ xiàng tài yáng zhào yào zhe
You shine like the sun

xī yǐn wǒ zǒu chū xuán wō
Pulling me out of the whirlpool

zhǐ cǐ yī fèn de zhì rè néng fǒu shǔ yú wǒ
This one and only warmth, Can it belong to me

jiù suàn dà yǔ zhèng pāng tuó
Even if the heavy rain pours

jiù suàn shì jiè àn le
Even if the world turns dark

我会陪在你身旁 用爱填满心河
wǒ huì péi zài nǐ shēn páng yòng ài tián mǎn xīn hé
I will stay by your side, Filling your heart with love

nǐ jiù shì wǒ de táng guǒ
You are my candy

róng huà le suǒ yǒu kǔ sè
Melting away all the bitterness

只此一份的炙热 只为你挥霍
zhǐ cǐ yī fèn de zhì rè zhǐ wèi nǐ huī huò
This one and only warmth, Is spent only for you

jiù suàn dà yǔ duō pāng tuó
Even if the heavy rain pours

jiù suàn shì jiè àn le
Even if the world turns dark

有我站在你身旁 赠你满天星河
yǒu wǒ zhàn zài nǐ shēn páng zèng nǐ mǎn tiān xīng hé
I will stand by your side, And gift you the stars across the sky

La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la

chú le nǐ zhī wài
Other than you

méi xǐ huān de rén le
I have never liked anyone else

nǐ shì cǐ shēng wéi yī de
You are my one and only in this life

Youtube video :https://youtu.be/yK3ACaKX8ZY
