Li YuChun 李宇春 -《Shi Ni 是你》English/ Chinese/ Pinyin Lyrics


Drama Name : The First Frost 难哄
Song Name     : Shi Ni 是你
Singer Name  : Li YuChun 李宇春

Lyrics 歌词 

漫长的旅途中 永无尽的徘徊
màn cháng de lǚ tú zhōng yǒng wú jìn de pái huái
On this long journey, I wander endlessly

shì jiè biàn chéng àn dàn yīn mái
The world turns dim and cloudy

走不出的漩涡 把我困在这浪潮
zǒu bù chū de xuán wō bǎ wǒ kùn zài zhè làng cháo
Trapped in a whirlpool, I cannot escape stuck in these waves

wú fǎ lí kāi
Unable to leave

掉进了深海 只剩下残骸
diào jìn le shēn hǎi zhǐ shèng xià cán hái
Falling into the deep sea, only wreckage remains

xiǎng fàng qì zài chóng lái
Want to give up and start again

用全力拉住了我 是你
yòng quán lì lā zhù le wǒ shì nǐ
You are the one who held me with all your strength

曾再炙热的心 也会开始怀疑
céng zài zhì rè de xīn yě huì kāi shǐ huái yí
Even a burning heart can start to doubt

pīn quán lì zhuī zhú de jiān dìng
Chasing with all my might, holding on tight

nǐ què cóng wèi fǒu dìng
But you never denied

我的每一份努力 都有它的意义
wǒ de měi yī fèn nǔ lì dōu yǒu tā de yì yì
Every effort I made had its meaning

陪在岁月长河 一起等待
péi zài suì yuè cháng hé yī qǐ děng dài
Waiting together in the long river of time

如阳光一般 温暖又灿烂
rú yáng guāng yī bān wēn nuǎn yòu càn làn
Like sunlight, warm and bright

gěi le wǒ guān huái
You gave me care and kindness

是你 在风雨中大步向我走来
shì nǐ zài fēng yǔ zhōng dà bù xiàng wǒ zǒu lái
It is you who walked towards me through the storm

是你 总站在我身边为我喝彩
shì nǐ zǒng zhàn zài wǒ shēn biān wèi wǒ hē cǎi
It is you who stood by my side and cheered for me

这一路上 坎坷不停
zhè yī lù shàng kǎn kě bù tíng
This road is filled with hardships

漫天雨丝 铺满了地
màn tiān yǔ sī pū mǎn le dì
Endless rain covers the ground

dàn wǒ yǒu le nǐ xiāng yī
But with you by my side

jiù néng zhàn shèng yǎn qián de hēi àn
I can overcome the darkness ahead

陪在岁月长河 一起等待
péi zài suì yuè cháng hé yī qǐ děng dài
Waiting together in the long river of time

如阳光一般 温暖又灿烂
rú yáng guāng yī bān wēn nuǎn yòu càn làn
Like sunlight, warm and bright

gěi le wǒ guān huái
You gave me care and kindness

是你 在风雨中大步向我走来
shì nǐ zài fēng yǔ zhōng dà bù xiàng wǒ zǒu lái
It is you who walked towards me through the storm

是你 总站在我身边为我喝彩
shì nǐ zǒng zhàn zài wǒ shēn biān wèi wǒ hē cǎi
It is you who stood by my side and cheered for me

这一路上 坎坷不停
zhè yī lù shàng kǎn kě bù tíng
This road is filled with hardships

漫天雨丝 铺满了地
màn tiān yǔ sī pū mǎn le dì
Endless rain covers the ground

dàn wǒ yǒu le nǐ xiāng yī
But with you by my side

jiù néng zhàn shèng yǎn qián de hēi àn
I can overcome the darkness ahead

suǒ yǒu sī xù suǒ yǒu huí yì lǐ miàn quán shì nǐ
Every thought and memory is filled with you

chéng zài wǒ men qīng chūn měi yī bù yìn jì
Carrying every step of our youth

每当大雨 倾盆落下
měi dāng dà yǔ qīng pén luò xià
Whenever heavy rain pours down

撑伞的你 是不变定律
chēng sǎn de nǐ shì bù biàn dìng lǜ
You are always there holding the umbrella

měi dāng bái gē dài lái xiāo xī zuì xiǎng gào sù nǐ
Whenever the white dove brings news, You are the one I want to tell the most

yī qǐ yuē dìng zǒu wán zhè chǎng lǚ xíng
Let us promise to finish this journey together

wǒ bù fàng qì
I will not give up

我会在这里 陪着你
wǒ huì zài zhè lǐ péi zhe nǐ
I will be here with you

是你 在风雨中大步向我走来
shì nǐ zài fēng yǔ zhōng dà bù xiàng wǒ zǒu lái
It is you who walked towards me through the storm

是你 总站在我身边为我喝彩
shì nǐ zǒng zhàn zài wǒ shēn biān wèi wǒ hē cǎi
It is you who stood by my side and cheered for me

这一路上 坎坷不停
zhè yī lù shàng kǎn kě bù tíng
This road is filled with hardships

漫天雨丝 铺满了地
màn tiān yǔ sī pū mǎn le dì
Endless rain covers the ground

dàn wǒ yǒu le nǐ xiāng yī
But with you by my side

wǒ yòu zěn néng fàng qì
How could I give up

wǒ bù huì fàng qì
I will not give up

是你 给我勇气盼望云端未来
shì nǐ gěi wǒ yǒng qì pàn wàng yún duān wèi lái
It is you who gave me courage to dream of the sky

是你 像一束光照亮每个夜晚
shì nǐ xiàng yī shù guāng zhào liàng měi gè yè wǎn
It is you who shines like light in every night

jiù suàn shì yī rén de lǚ xíng
Even if I travel alone

wǒ yě bù zài gǎn dào gū dān
I no longer feel lonely

gǎn dào nǐ cún zài
Feeling your presence

jiù néng zhàn shèng yǎn qián de hēi àn
I can overcome the darkness ahead

yǒu nǐ cún zài
With you here

wǒ jiù néng zhàn shèng yǎn qián de hēi àn
I can overcome the darkness ahead
