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Drama Name : Love and Sword 只此江湖梦
Song Name : Zhi Ci Yi Ci 只此一次
Singer Name : Ariel Ann 安唯绫
Lyrics 歌词
往 心里转 梦里转 江湖转
wǎng xīn lǐ zhuǎn mèng lǐ zhuǎn jiāng hú zhuǎn
Turning in my heart turning in dreams turning in the world
转一转 情深 遇心上
zhuǎn yī zhuǎn qíng shēn yù xīn shàng
Turn around deep love meeting the one in my heart
哎呀 如此 的美满
āi yā rú cǐ de měi mǎn
Ah such happiness
路漫漫 人生 只一场
lù màn màn rén shēng zhǐ yī chǎng
The road is long life is just one journey
刀剑乱 人世乱 情丝乱
dāo jiàn luàn rén shì luàn qíng sī luàn
Swords clash the world is in chaos love threads are tangled
暖一暖 为我挡雪霜
nuǎn yī nuǎn wèi wǒ dǎng xuě shuāng
Warm me up shield me from the frost and snow
哎呀 春暖 情花放
āi yā chūn nuǎn qíng huā fàng
Ah spring warms love flowers bloom
只一看 小鹿 又乱撞
zhǐ yī kàn xiǎo lù yòu luàn zhuàng
With just one look my heart races again
我听说 爱恨 情仇 江湖 未了的 就相忘
wǒ tīng shuō ài hèn qíng chóu jiāng hú wèi liǎo de jiù xiāng wàng
I heard that love and hate passion and revenge in this world if unfinished then just forget
又听说 大漠 星雨 初见 不情长 就断肠
yòu tīng shuō dà mò xīng yǔ chū jiàn bù qíng cháng jiù duàn cháng
I also heard that in the desert under starry rain love at first sight is not deep just heartbreaking
反正我 不懂 不懂 不懂 来日有 多悠长
fǎn zhèng wǒ bù dǒng bù dǒng bù dǒng lái rì yǒu duō yōu cháng
Anyway I do not understand do not understand do not understand how long the future will be
此一刻 此一人 我喜欢
cǐ yī kè cǐ yī rén wǒ xǐ huān
At this moment this person I like
我知晓 痴情 深情 天下 多少难 多少谎
wǒ zhī xiǎo chī qíng shēn qíng tiān xià duō shǎo nán duō shǎo huǎng
I know deep love passionate love in this world how hard how many lies
我快刀 斩不断 斩不断
wǒ kuài dāo zhǎn bù duàn zhǎn bù duàn
My sharp blade cannot cut cannot cut
斩不断 斩不断 情纠缠
zhǎn bù duàn zhǎn bù duàn qíng jiū chán
Cannot cut cannot cut love entanglements
我明了 孤身 快马 岁月 逍遥叹 叹无憾
wǒ míng liǎo gū shēn kuài mǎ suì yuè xiāo yáo tàn tàn wú hàn
I understand alone with a fast horse through the years freely sigh with no regrets
此境更 惹 情 伤
cǐ jìng gèng rě qíng shāng
This scene stirs deeper sorrow
转一回 江湖梦 只此一次心动
zhuǎn yī huí jiāng hú mèng zhǐ cǐ yī cì xīn dòng
Turning once in the world dream just this one heartbeat
多少梦 不如一次相逢
duō shǎo mèng bù rú yī cì xiāng féng
So many dreams are not as good as one meeting
爱 恋不需要 英雄 只 要 懵懂
ài liàn bù xū yào yīng xióng zhǐ yào měng dǒng
Love does not need a hero just innocence
身不由己 江湖中 只此一次放纵
shēn bù yóu jǐ jiāng hú zhōng zhǐ cǐ yī cì fàng zòng
With no control in this world just this one indulgence
生命中 亲抚一次笑容
shēng mìng zhōng qīn fǔ yī cì xiào róng
In life just one gentle smile
就足够颤动平庸 风起云涌
jiù zú gòu chàn dòng píng yōng fēng qǐ yún yǒng
Is enough to shake the ordinary stir the storm
命运不相同 不相融
mìng yùn bù xiāng tóng bù xiāng róng
Fate is not the same not blending
同是 天涯 同一场梦
tóng shì tiān yá tóng yī chǎng mèng
Same as wanderers same dream
一弯月 一抹红 一段 普普通通 情深义重
yī wān yuè yī mǒ hóng yī duàn pǔ pǔ tōng tōng qíng shēn yì zhòng
A crescent moon a touch of red a simple deep love with strong bonds
如清风 如心痛 别后 不重逢
rú qīng fēng rú xīn tòng bié hòu bù zhòng féng
Like the breeze like the pain after parting never meeting again
yuán fèn yǒu hé yòng
What is fate for
就只此一次 扑怀中
jiù zhǐ cǐ yī cì pū huái zhōng
Just this one time into your embrace
不落空 不碍 斗狠斗 勇
bù luò kōng bù ài dòu hěn dòu yǒng
Not in vain no need to fight or prove bravery
武林 高手中 腥风中 藏一份娇宠
wǔ lín gāo shǒu zhōng xīng fēng zhōng cáng yī fèn jiāo chǒng
Among the martial arts masters in the storm hides a bit of tenderness
只是 与众不同 只有 一次相拥
zhǐ shì yǔ zhòng bù tóng zhǐ yǒu yī cì xiāng yōng
Just different from the rest only one embrace
只此 江湖 梦
zhǐ cǐ jiāng hú mèng
Just this world dream
转一回 江湖梦 只此一次心动
zhuǎn yī huí jiāng hú mèng zhǐ cǐ yī cì xīn dòng
Turning once in the world dream just this one heartbeat
多少梦 不如一次相逢
duō shǎo mèng bù rú yī cì xiāng féng
So many dreams are not as good as one meeting
爱 恋不需要 英雄 只 要 你懂
ài liàn bù xū yào yīng xióng zhǐ yào nǐ dǒng
Love does not need a hero just needs you to understand
身不由己 江湖中 只此一次放纵
shēn bù yóu jǐ jiāng hú zhōng zhǐ cǐ yī cì fàng zòng
With no control in this world just this one indulgence
生命中 亲抚一次笑容
shēng mìng zhōng qīn fǔ yī cì xiào róng
In life just one gentle smile
就足够颤动平庸 风起云涌
jiù zú gòu chàn dòng píng yōng fēng qǐ yún yǒng
Is enough to shake the ordinary stir the storm
Youtube video :https://youtu.be/ZPs4ybULkv0
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